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About BetterDoc

BetterDoc measures quality in medicine. And takes you to the right doctor.

Founded in 2012, the BetterDoc health start-up helps patients with serious diagnoses to find the best medical specialists for the treatment of their individual health problem using a data-driven approach. We make the healthcare market in Germany and Switzerland more transparent and support people in the often difficult choice of the right doctor. For this purpose, we analyze various quality data in the health care system and aggregate these data with our own measurement results from patient cases processed by us (“Closed Quality Loop”). In this way, we identify doctors and clinics that are well above average qualified and have proven to achieve very good treatment results.

Our customers include leading German health insurers and insurance companies that offer this service free of charge to their policyholders.

BetterDoc Value Proposition from the perspective of health insurers and insurance companies:

BetterDoc Value Proposition from a patient perspective:

BetterDoc: Facts & Figures