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About engineering at BetterDoc

TL;DR: we build the best patient to physician matching product. We try our best not to be another mindless software factory.

As a leading e-health startup in Germany with over 80 employees, BetterDoc finds the right physicians for patients. Currently our service is valued by more than 10,000 happy patients per year.

Engineering at BetterDoc

To improve how we deliver our service, we are forging a domain model that enables us to represent and store quality data related to health, and use that to make well-based recommendations for the right physician.

🦸‍♀️ Our mission

BetterDoc is on a mission to always find the right doctors for patients with serious health issues. At the moment, our service is mainly provided by real medical staff like physicians and scientific researchers. They tap into our extensive physicians database and recommend specialists, based on the patient’s health issue and intent. Now we are starting to write machines to do parts of our service. Of course, medical staff is here to stay, solve complex cases, train our machines and assure quality. Think of it as a healthy human-machine symbiosis.

⚔️ Our challenge

To have a deep insight into the problems we solve for researchers, members of our call center team and other teams such as physician data administration and analytics, we organise workshops with all stakeholders to get a good and deep understanding of problems and needs. Our learnings are distilled into short briefing documents that are used to capture learnings and sketch out possible solutions.

👨‍🌾 The Product Development Team

All our developers are able to work on different parts of our stack, both in the frontend and the backend as well as the runtime environment, with various focus areas.

We value curiosity and learning. To support this, we give you a team-wide place to experiment and learn 20% of the time you are here. You can invest this time to visit a conference, contribute to open source software or start your own open source project.

We are proud to trust our people instead of controlling them. Our team organises itself and reflects on how to improve our working mode.

We depend on self-motivation. We offer a lot and count on you to grab what you need.